Saturday, February 9, 2013

An IPL Journey with the Remington i-LIGHT (Part 13 Review)

(Session VI)


My underarm is mostly smooth. The front side of my leg is very smooth. The back part still looks and feels a bit stubby. Though all areas look like they may have new hair growth coming in.

The Next Day:

My underarm is nice and smooth. Random hair here and there. The front of my leg looks good. It looks almost as hairless as my underarm, but with a handful of tiny missed spots. The underside of my leg seems to be progressing a bit slower than the front. It feels like the front felt about 3 weeks ago. I must remember to be more careful angling the back areas.

Three Days Later:

I haven't engaged in any form of hair removal since I've started my IPL sessions. I wanted to see the real life aftereffects. My underarm always looks like it's been a day after I shaved. The tiniest hint of emerging hair lingers there. The front side of my leg is smooth. The back side of my leg has what looks like day old stubble.

All photos (c) Little Luxuries 2013.

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