Friday, February 22, 2013

An IPL Journey with the Remington i-LIGHT (Part 16 Review)

I have finally reached my month and a half mark! Two more weeks until the two month mark. To be honest, I feel that noticeable results have plateaued since my fourth session. There are very minor differences here and there with each session, but they are extremely hard to capture on camera.

My underarm has made remarkable progress. I still have some baby stubble here and there, but I am optimistic that my remaining sessions will zap it all away.

My leg is another story. I didn't experience much discomfort in the beginning, but halfway through my journey the lower part of my leg started to experience the burning snapping rubber band sensation. I can't make heads or tails of it. I have been going along with the assumption that there is more hair or new growth in the area that the IPL needs to target.

As it has been lately, the eighth session is extremely fast. My underarm goes without a hitch. The only blip is when I feel a bit of discomfort on the lower leg area, but even that goes by quickly. Not much singed hair leftover on my body or handset.

All photos (c) Little Luxuries 2013.

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