Friday, January 18, 2013

An IPL Journey with the Remington i-LIGHT (Part 6 Review)

My third IPL session started exactly on my third week into using the i-LIGHT.

My leg has bald patches here and there. I would say that perhaps about 30% of my leg has no visible hair. I also noticed tiny little black roots under the skin in these areas. I am waiting to see if this is new hair growth or old hair roots that need to be pushed out. The Remington manual advises that hair grows in cycles of 18 to 24 days, so there may still be active follicles to zap.

Now that I have developed a system, the sessions are extremely fast and over with in about 5 minutes. My only concern is that I feel like I am missing parts of my leg. All four corners of the handset must simultaneously touch the skin to activate. Since the contours of the legs are naturally curved, sometimes it is hard to activate the handset on certain areas of the leg.  I also didn't use white eyeliner on my leg because I didn't want to go through all the trouble of marking up my leg for each session.

The pain level has slowly lessen over the course of each session. The zaps are starting to feel more like rubber band snaps now. The sensation has not lessen to the point where I would feel comfortable turning up the light intensity though. It definitely hurts more where there is more hair too.

The grossest part is finding and cleaning the trace amounts of singed hair from the handset area.

To be honest, I'm not sure if the before and after photos help. At the 3 week mark, my leg still mostly looks like it did 2 weeks ago.

All photos (c) Little Luxuries 2013.

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