Saturday, February 23, 2013

An IPL Journey with the Remington i-LIGHT (Part 17 Review)

(Session VIII)


My underarm is fine.

I am puzzled by the pain on my lower leg. I didn't experience any pain there after the first session, but the last 3 or 4 sessions have been uncomfortable in that area. Examining my leg carefully, I can see that the lower area has longer hair, but they are not clumped closely together nor is there a lot of it. I wonder if I will even get to the mystery of the little jolts.

The Next Day:

My underarm looks and feels the same. My leg looks a bit dry. I can't tell if that is from the weather or from the IPL heat, but it's nothing that a bit of lotion can't fix.

Three Days Later:

Looking at my underarms it looks clean, but closely examining it shows dark roots still. Running my hand over my leg, I can barely feel anything. Even the stubble is very soft. It doesn't feel prickly or rough.

All photos (c) Little Luxuries 2013.

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